Hello Mr/Mrs,

My name is Niventhiraan A/L Rajaratinam, a student from Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM). Currently, I am pursuing my study in 4thyear 1st semester in Computer Science. In this upcoming March 2022 until August 2022, we are required to go for our internship in order to complete the UPM curricular structure. Hence, I am writing to see if you have an available position for student that is looking for an internship placement.

The purpose of the internship is to develop our hands-on skills in the field of computer system, besides to give a good exposure of different work interface in the company while gaining awareness to face the industry in the future.

I am interested to part of the organization where I can fully utilize my skills and make a significant contribution to the success of the employer and at the same time my individual growth. It is also another precious opportunity for me to explore and gain knowledge as much as possible in computer science field for my future preparation.

Attached herewith is my resume together with the necessary documents for your kind perusal. Should you inquire any more details, please feel free to contact at [email protected].

Looking forward to receive a positive reply from your side.


  • Internship